For 2025, the Catalogue of Proposta Vini has been realised in collaboration with the Trentino painter Roberto Perini whose works will be exhibited at the Leopolda in Florence on 18 19 and 20 January 2025 during the event organised by Proposta Vini.
Born in 1952 in Cles, he moved at the age of 10 to Pergine, his family's home town. His interest in paternal grandfather Lino, his grandmother Giuseppina, his mother Mariella and his teacher Renato Perini, who often took him to his home-studio. teacher Renato Perini, who often took him to his home-studio. After attending the State Institute d'Arte in Trento, his training continued in the field of historical-artistic heritage in Bologna and Verona. Returning to Trento, since 1991 he has been an official of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Storico-Artistici of Trento. From 2001 to 2005 he also taught Restoration Theory at the University of Trento. He has always continued his inner creative research, favouring graphics and painting. His works are present in private collections in Italy and abroad; his studio is in Pergine, where he lives.
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